"Find the Silver Lining"
Nick Campbell – Director: Energy Intensive
“What do I do for my wellbeing? Firstly, a routine that allows me to take time to focus in on various activities that I feel help my wellbeing.
A major and long-term contributor to helping me feel calm and at peace is physical exercise, particularly in the morning. I find that high intensity cardio (either a run or early morning spin bike session) has three noticeable impacts. It allows me to relax, and enables me to focus on answers that I may have been struggling to find, I also find that I have higher energy levels throughout the day, which allows me to work quickly through and deliver on tasks, which again reduces stress levels.
I have always had a strong network of colleagues, friends and family, which allows me to both discuss relevant issues (be it work or social) and also gives me the opportunity to switch off from one or the other if I find that it is impacting my wellbeing. Whilst it is important to talk to your peers to work out solutions and help reduce stress, it is also important to take a complete break and focus on your family and friends in order to recharge work batteries.
Finally, building on this, the arrival of my first child; Hamish in December has been incredible for my wellbeing and sense of self. It is an unfortunate and tragic situation that has driven the UK and the rest of the world to “lockdown”, but certainly a silver lining for me has been spending more time with Hamish, including walks at lunch time which otherwise I would not have been lucky enough to do. Being here to see his developments and changes first-hand has been wonderful and certainly helped ease stress during these strange and unusual times we find ourselves living in.”